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Teenage Music Habits. The Terrifying Truth

Teenage music listening habits

We interviewed a group of 18 year old music lovers about their music habits. The results might be a bit scary, but better to know the truth right?

1. What is your preferred social media?

Snapchat, Instagram. Facebook is for old people(over 25), Twitter is for celebrities.

2. What makes you interested in an artist?

Not interested in artists only songs. IF the song is good I might look into the artist. Probably not.

3. What was the last album you bought or listened to?

I don’t buy albums. I stream songs. 4. How do you listen to Music?

Youtube and Spotify. 5. Do you listen to radio?


So what do I do with this information if I want to reach a young audience?

  • Concentrate on one song at a time.

  • Forget about downloads and focus on streaming.

  • Try to get your song on other peoples playlists.

  • Treat popular Youtube and Spotify playlists like radio stations.

  • Find one (not too huge), that suits your music.

  • Get to know the owner and weasel your way on to his or her playlist.

  • Radio is dead to young audiences. Forget about it.

  • You wont get on the radio without an expensive PR person anyway. They all play old catalogue to please advertisers. Internet radio is mostly rubbish and will not help you at all. forget it.

  • Make sure the song is on Youtube. Even if it is only as a cover picture with the song. Not being on Youtube is fatal.

  • Avoid long intros. Think Beatles and Aerosmith. Start with the chorus (“Dude looks like a lady….. or “She loves you yeah yeah yeah”) Research shows you only have about ten seconds to catch your listener before they switch or skip. Do not waste them.

  • DO NOT have an amateurish cover. This is a huge turnoff and a dead giveaway. We can help you find a good designer. It is not that expensive. Just ask us.

  • Facebook is still a great marketing channel, it`s just not free any more. At least not until people start sharing your song because they want to. If you want to spend money promoting on Facebook email us first, and we will give you some advice on the subject.

Until next time. Cheers David G

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